If we can open up a little bit more to each other and share our stories, that’s what breaks down barriers.
— Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama

entertainment psychologist

“1IN4 Coalition (1IN4) is an intersectional coalition of disabled creatives currently working in Hollywood focused on long-term institutional shifts to increase employment and authentic representation of disabled people.”

Co-Convenor of national ability summit-india

international conference (virtual)

dec 2020 & Dec 2021

50 plus participants from 6 countries in 2020 and 13 Countries in 2021. Leaders from: AUSTRALIA, CANADA, Egypt, ISRAEL, INDIA, SrILanka, UK, USA etc) sharing THEIR LEARNING CURVE on disability inclusion.

panelists include: co-director james le-brecht (crip camp executively produced by president barack obama & Michele obama), judith heumann (international disability rights advocate, heumann perspective), filmmaker shonali bose (margarita with a straw & the sky is pink-with priyanka chopra jonas), keely cat-wells (ceo of c-talent), Michele clooper (harvard university)), google, Microsoft & many, many more. ,

*0scar award winning production company

kartemquin* ktq labs

filmmakers share their project & get feedback from Kartemquin team

consulting partner for all senses go
